Did anyone participate in National Crisis Pregnancy Center Protest Day?
I sure did. The protest I held was a definite success. We had, at the most, around 10 people, which is more than I was hoping for. I did a ton of promotion for the protest, but as I've learned in the past, apathy is a plague. Besides, what was that Margaret Mead quote?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."We had a couple people come up to us to get more information, and although we lost count, I think our "HONK IF YOU SUPPORT CHOICE" sign received well over 300 honks.

The best part of the day was when an elderly woman came up to us and said, "I support you as someone who had to travel to New Jersey over 30 years ago to get an abortion." I felt really proud at that moment, like I was part of a new generation of feminists working to correct the injustices of the past and today. It wasn't that long ago that even New York, one of the first states to liberalize abortion laws, didn't have an abortion clinic. It is truly our duty as modern feminists to do everything we can to protect what little reproductive justice we have, if not for ourselves then for the feminists who fought for it decades ago, giving their entire lives to the cause.
After the protest, we went into the crisis pregnancy center to talk to the women who worked there. They had heard that we were coming, and so one woman sat down with us to have a discussion. I vocalized my concerns that scared pregnant women will find them in the phonebook or online, see the words "pregnancy support," and come into the center, not knowing that they won't get all their options. The woman shot back with, "We're clearly a pro-life organization." I told her there is nothing "clear" about them being pro-life. I had to dig extremely deep on their
website to confirm that they are a pro-life center - I mean, someone like me who is educated on this issue would know right away, but how many pregnant young women are likely to have a BA in Women's Studies? Moreover, their advertisements are the typical "Pregnant? Need Help? Call Us" type deal, without saying
anything about being pro-life or not offering abortion referrals. She told me that they don't try to scare women away from having abortions, to which I picked up a pamphlet on "post-abortion stress syndrome" and said, "What's this then?" I told her that the so-called "syndrome" has been disproven by even the American Psychological Association and she had no response.
The one good thing they did offer was free baby clothes, diapers, and food to new mothers. However, I saw that as just another ploy to get women to "choose" life by saying, "Here, look at all we can offer you if you do decide to keep your baby."
Basically, this center and other crisis pregnancy centers know what they are doing. They are extremely sneaky and deceptive. If they are so proudly pro-life, as this woman claimed they were, why not put "pro-life" in their title? Or on the website? Or in the advertisements? Or in their pamphlets? I didn't see it anywhere. All I saw were promises that they can provide loving support to frightened pregnant women who might not know better.