Thursday, April 16, 2009

Report shows abstinence-only spending for 2008  

A report has been released to examine the federal funding of abstinence-only education in every state for the year 2008. $176 million was distributed between the states, though seven states received no abstinence-only funding. More than half the funds were allocated to the 16 southern states, which have skyrocketing rates of STDs and teen pregnancies, and $20 million went to funding the anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers that litter the U.S.

Evidence that abstinence-only education does not work seems to be slowly persuading lawmakers because less federal funding is going to the programs. Still, it blows my mind that $176 million is wasted on hammering useless and misleading information into the heads of teenagers, not to mention the $20 million that's being used to lie to pregnant women. If Republicans want to whine about rogue spending by the government, why not focus on this?

What next?

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