Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Virginia governor allows funding of crisis pregnancy centers
My heart hurt when I read this. Yet another governor, this time Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, signed a legislation that will allow the sale of "Choose Life" license plates in the state. Now, the main problem is not quite the mere existence of these plates, but the fact that $15 of the $25 fee for the license plates go towards funding so-called "crisis pregnancy centers," or fake clinics that pose as legitimate health centers, but exist solely to perpetuate the anti-choice agenda and deter pregnant women from choosing abortion.
Want to know the scary part? There are only 2,000 clinics in the United States right now that provide abortion services to women. There are around 4,000 crisis pregnancy centers.
If you want to see what the propaganda of a CPC looks like, visit Hopeline's website, specifically the section that provides abortion "information," which is extremely concerned with conveying the "risks" that come with abortion, including the "emotional and psychological impact." Oh, and let's not forget the "spiritual consequences":
People have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may be, there is a spiritual side to abortion that deserves to be considered. Having an abortion may affect more than just your body and your mind -- it may have an impact on your relationship with God. What is God's desire for you in this situation? How does God see your unborn child? These are important questions to consider.
This is the kind of bullshit information that CPCs shove down the throats of unsuspecting women. My question is: why is it that nearly every abortion clinic in the U.S. is protested by anti-choicers, but we're not protesting these fake clinics nearly as much? I feel like it could make a huge difference to stand outside one and hand out real information to women who are about to enter.
Luckily, the Feminist Majority Foundation is encouraging feminists across the nation to protest their local crisis pregnancy center on April 13th. Organize a protest in your community! And please be sure to not just hold signs and chant, although that can be wonderful, but also have pamphlets with the real information to hand out to women who are considering entering the "clinic." But remember: be respectful when approaching her, and respect her right to have a choice.
Watch this video of a protest being held by University of Oregon students to get ideas: