"The Greatest Silence"
We’re not talking about mere un-handsomeness or bodily imperfection here. We’re not talking about bad-hair days or bad breath. No, compared with the characters we’re about to unleash on you, your average lump (or indeed, your average male Phoenix staffer) is a walking Michelangelo masterpiece. These are, for the most part, men whose behavior is so wretched, whose character is so flawed, that it transcends traditional definitions of attractiveness.
Or maybe their unshallow mentality is to be found in them referring to both "Project Runway" star Christian Siriano and magic guru Criss Angel as a "trannies." Classy.
Feel free to comment with your stories :)
"This is her, the rape victim." I raise my eyes and look at a Congolese woman in her 40s who is breastfeeding. Marie-Honorine, my colleague from the International Rescue Committee, a specialist in working with survivors of sexual violence, points to the Bambi-eyed 14-month-old girl at the woman’s breast and says: "No, that is the victim."
Three months ago she was raped, the mother tells us. Her small uterus was destroyed. She has undergone several operations, but is not yet "repaired."
Raped at fourteen months old. This isn't a rare occurrence. Every day, the bodies of women and girls are being ravaged. Many are left pregnant, or infected with HIV. Some women are shot in the genitals, resulting in serious damage that very few hospitals are equipped to repair. Some women are raped while pregnant, some are forced to become sex slaves. Several women have watched their family members get shot right in front of them for refusing succumb to the rebels' sexual demands. Moreover, many women refuse to tell anyone that they have been raped because of the negative social stigma surrounding it.
It's an appalling situation. I'm currently sponsoring a woman in the Republic of Congo through Women for Women International. Her name is Lucie, she's 18-years-old and has four children depending on her. She can't afford to send her children to school, and her home has no electricity or running water. The hardships these women undergo are endless. If you want to help, please visit Women for Women to look into donating money or sponsoring a woman in a war-devastated country. You can also visit the International Rescue Committee website to learn more about the situation in Congo, as well as find out ways you can help. Please do what you can.
Connerly contends that the success of Obama and Clinton shows that preferences are no longer necessary "to compensate for, quote, institutional racism and institutional sexism."
For those of you who can't get out to New Orleans, visit here to look up a local V-Day event. The Vagina Monologues is a wonderful show and a great way to raise money for stopping violence against women and other important causes. So, get involved!
Bob Jones University in South Carolina only dropped its ban on interracial dating in 2000; a year later 40 percent of voters objected when Alabama became the last state to remove a ban on interracial marriages from its constitution. So, yes, we've still got some work to do.
"The reason so many find it so hard to be in interracial relationships is because, in my opinion, there is still entirely too much emphasis on and preoccupation with race. Obviously, racism still exists, but everything isn't about race -- unless we continue to make it so."
I love when people inspire me to believe that it's never too late to make the most of your life.
Facing starvation, as many as 50,000 women and girls have been forced into prostitution in Syria alone, according to Hana Ibrahim of the Women's Will Association.
"70 percent to 80 percent of the girls working this business in Damascus today are Iraqis," 23 year-old Abeer told the New York Times. "The rents here in Syria are too expensive for their families. If they go back to Iraq they'll be slaughtered, and this is the only work available."
Disgusting. I can't imagine the Bush administration giving two shits about this, however.
And if feminism is really about equality, we can't hold certain lifestyle choices sacred to only our gender. Remember when men got all up in arms about women trading skirts for pants? Wearing makeup is a choice, sort of like working full-time or carrying a purse or watching pro-wrestling.
After the stand-in ends, I ask her: "So, has the government won?" She looks at me as if I have just said something quite silly, shakes her head defiantly and says: "Look. They won the battle. The war goes on. We are not giving up."
Though such arrangements were created, often under court mandate, with a promise of treating same-sex couples the same as opposite-sex couples, many gays and lesbians say they have not delivered and cannever do so because separate institutions are inherently unequal. Many also resent being denied use of the word marriage, which they say carries intangible benefits, prestige and status.
"Being in a civil union is not the same as married. If it was, they would call it marriage. I don't know anybody who would give up their marriage for a civil union."
Study participants rated discomfort levels over a variety of weight related scenarios. The more dissatisfied a female was with her weight, the greater the discomfort she experienced when being weighed. But even the very concept of weight, tested by assigning some participants to wear a badge bearing the single word, "Weight," caused elevated levels of discomfort because it drew unwanted attention to what is considered an unflattering personal attribute for women.
"I am dismayed and sickhearted that we can't sit around a table, as brothers and sisters in Christ, and study Scripture together," he said. "It makes me wonder, if we can't sit around a table and study the Bible together, what kind of Communion do we have and what are we trying to save?"
The spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, didn't invite Robinson to Lambeth, partly to appease theological conservatives, who believe the Bible bars gay relationships. Some had threatened to boycott the meeting if he attended.
In investigating the rape, detectives from the housing bureau spoke to two officers who said they were doing “vertical patrols,” walking up and down the stairwells of the building, at the time of the attack and had marked it in their memo books. But investigators who reviewed the videotaped images found no evidence of the officers’ being there.
As a result, the officers, whose names were not released, were placed on modified assignment on Thursday and stripped of their guns and badges, said Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman.
Now, we are getting a clearer picture of this young lady of the evening, the last in a line of babes and C-cups for whom the governor of the state of New York threw away his career, risked his health and maimed his marriage in search of what his madam ominously called "basic" sex. In the version she's putting out, young Ms. Dupre is the victim.First of all: NO, we are not getting a "clearer picture" of her. We are getting bits and pieces of information from every possible source except from the woman herself. Second: "in the version she is putting out"? In order for her to "put out" anything, she needs to actually be involved in this investigation of her life. If anyone is "putting out" information, it's the media - reporters like you, Ms. Peyser.
Two alternate pictures are emerging of Ashley. In one, she's a survivor - of abuse, homelessness and drug abuse. This, of course, was before Ashley was nearly forced against her will to command $1,000 an hour to escort rich men from their clothes.
In another version, she's a spoiled brat whose stepdad bought her a Porsche that she wrecked. So she ran away from home at 17. For this, Eliot Spitzer lost everything. Ashley and Eliot deserve each other. One is mentally challenged by accident of birth. The other is that way by choice.
The cases involved members of the military who were either victims or accused of the assaults. The military counts rape, nonconsensual sodomy, indecent assault and attempts to commit any of those as sexual assault.
According to the documents, 1,516 reports involved the Army; 565 for the Air Force; 394 for the Navy; and 213 for the Marines. The active duty Army, by far the largest service with about 518,000 soldiers, also saw the highest rate of reported sexual assaults.
Ferrante, now 34, was charged under a "Peeping Tom" statute that requires the victim to be "in a place where there is a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy." Testimony indicated he followed the girl, knelt down behind her and placed the camera under her skirt. In January 2007, Tulsa County District Judge Tom Gillert ordered Ferrante's felony charge dismissed. That was based upon a determination that "the person photographed was not in a place where she had a reasonable expectation of privacy," according to the appellate ruling issued last week.
Jason Josaphat, 17, a student at Montclair High, said he had spoken to a friend who was at the house that day. The friend was watching television while one or more boys were with the girl in a bedroom, he said, and the friend told Mr. Josaphat that he had heard a girl screaming.
She said the girl was a friend of Mr. Roberts's and had been at the house many times. And she defended her grandson. "It’s not a rape," she said. "They didn't force her to come over."
Some doctors said the numbers might reflect the downside of both abstinence-only sex education and teens' own sense of invulnerability. Because some sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility and cancer, U.S. health officials called for better screening, vaccination and prevention.
Only about half of the teens in the study acknowledged having sex. Some teens define sex as only intercourse, yet other types of intimate behavior including oral sex can spread some diseases.
Do you see why abstinence-only education is so dangerous? Teens still think that oral sex isn't real sex! In reality, there are dangerous STDs that can be spread through oral sex alone. We can't assume that kids will wait until marriage to have sex, and we can't assume that parents will talk to their kids about these issues. Proper sex education is necessary in schools! It's okay to teach about abstinence, but for God's sake, teach kids how to use a condom as well!
If you feel the same way, you can visit this site to send a letter to your Senators, asking them to oppose giving abstinence-only education more funding.
I mean, wow, I learned about STDs in 7th grade. If I wasn't forced to take Health, I have no idea where I would have gotten my information.
The study suggested that women who felt their childhood relationships with their parents were characterized by “rejection and unresolved conflicts” were likely to view children as more demanding compared to women with happier childhoods. Women with childhood conflict also may become stricter parents. Women who clashed with their parents were also more likely to indicate they would set a lot boundaries for their children than other women in the study.
Such an evaluation will enable early identification of women who are concerned they will have difficulty contending with parental roles and offer them tools that will help them adapt better to the transition to motherhood.
According to the Center for Women's Business Research, as of 2006, there were 7.7 million firms either owned by women, or in which women held the majority share. They account for 29.7 percent of all businesses in the U.S., a rise of 42.3 percent since 1997. Not only are such businesses good for women, they're good for the economy, generating 1.1 trillion in annual sales and employing 7.2 million people nationwide.Wow, that's fantastic. I really respect someone who can open up their own business. My first job was working in this shop in my town that was owned by a woman named Sarah. Her shop was small, but she has managed to keep it open since the 80s. Props to the women who can kick ass in the business world, and thanks to them for helping the economy (God knows we need it).