Buffet of the Week
0 comments- Ratings show that Obama's infomercial that was aired last night was a success.
- Michelle Obama was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Monday. Watch it on YouTube.
- New evidence is showing that women are paying much more for health care than men are. Who says health care isn't a feminist issue?
- The anti-choice Attorney General in Virginia is trying hard to reinstate an abortion ban in the state.
- Barack Obama has a new ad out that attacks McCain's lack of economic understanding. He also uses footage of Palin winking at the camera in the ad.
- A non-profit organization is offering to pay a couple $10,000 to ban alcohol from their wedding and abstain from sex. Not surprisingly, there are no takers.
- The organization Women Against Palin is holding a webathon today from 1-9PM, where they will read thousands of letters sent to them by various women who oppose Palin on a live stream.
- Watch Samantha Bee of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tackle McCain's infamous use of air quotes when talking about "women's health."
- The general of the rebel group that occupies the Democratic Republic of Congo says he wants talks with the government about ending fighting. Since fighting broke out, hundreds of thousands of women and girls have been raped by enemies.
- Anti-gay marriage groups in Arizona are pushing for the state to officially ban same-sex marriage and define marriage as only between one man and one woman. Sigh.
- In an interview, McCain claimed that race won't play an issue in the election outcome because most people will make their decision based on who they feel is more fit to lead. Keep dreaming.
- The McCain campaign is treating Palin, quite frankly, like shit. From calling her a "diva," to calling her a "whack job," and now it's becoming clear that she is going to be the source of blame from the McCain camp should they lose the election.
- A new study shows that many female veterans are reporting having experienced sexual trauma during their service.
- The McCain campaign volunteer who falsely claimed a man attacked her and carved a B (for "Barack") into her cheek has reached a deal in court.
Anything else?
Obama's "political message"
Anti-abortion, but oddly pro-choice, radio ad
4 commentsWith 1 in 5 pregnancies in America ending in abortion and the number of abortions unchanged from 32 years ago, it's time to stop the political posturing and get serious about protecting life.2,400 late-term abortions a year is tragic, but what often gets ignored is that 10 times more infants die each year in America largely because of inadequate healthcare.
We need to ask ourselves what it really means to be pro-life and help move the conversation beyond bumper sticker slogans.
Thankfully, some lawmakers are already working on real solutions that will drastically reduce abortions by expanding programs that encourage adoption, increasing pre- and post-natal healthcare, preventing unintended pregnancies, and helping young mothers choose life.
It's time for Democrats and Republicans to come together around solutions based on results, not rhetoric. Please learn more by visiting www.realabortionsolutions.org.
Hear the actual ad here.
Obama as the anti-Christ?
Egypt delivers first prison sentence for public sexual harasser
1 commentsThough the country's criminal code outlines a prison sentence and fine for sexual abusers, never before has Egypt issued a prison sentence for sexual harassment of a woman in public. The harasser faces three years in jail with hard labor, and Noha will receive 5,001 Egyptian pounds ($895) in compensation.
Baby steps.
Loving Republicans
2 commentsMy dad and I were debating politics via e-mail. He's a registered Republican, but I would label him a moderate. Things were getting heated, I sent him a snappy e-mail, and I expected a similar reply back. Instead, all he sent me was an e-mail saying, "I love the fact that you're so engaged!" I think everyone can find common ground, especially if it's with someone who means a lot to you.
Palin mannequin in a noose sparks controversy
2 commentsHow does everyone feel about this? Is it art? Or just going too far?
Congressman equates abortion with the execution of rapists
"You know, my position is the same as Henry Hyde's. And Henry Hyde put it best when he said, when somebody is the victim of a crime, the law currently says that a rapist can't be put to death. That's the law. A rapist under the court doctrines can't be put to death. He said, why is it that the baby who is the result of that criminal behavior can be put to death? He said, isn't that a sad, sad thing. So my feeling is, look, in the case of that, that's the hard case, right? That's the ultimate painful and difficult case. And what we need to do is love that person and encourage them and support them. But once people are categorized by how they were conceived and the circumstances of their conception, you end up going down a route that ultimately I don't think we want to be."
Interestingly enough, I didn't see any mention of the health and well-being of the woman. The problem with avid anti-choicers like Congressman Roskam is that they always leave women out of the equation.
White supremacists charged with plotting to kill Obama
The men planned to kill more than 100 African-Americans, including 14 who would be beheaded, according to the affidavit. But federal law enforcement sources said there was no evidence Cowart, of Bells, Tennessee, and Schlesselman, of West Helena, Arkansas, had any details of Obama's schedule.
"We take this very, very seriously but we see no evidence these guys have the ability or the wherewithal to pull off what they say they wanted to do," one law enforcement source said.
According to an affidavit from the federal agent who questioned them, Cowart and Schlesselman planned to charge at Obama with a car, firing from the windows as they went. They would be dressed in white tuxedos and top hats during the attempt, the affidavit states.
My God. Full story here.
The health of teen girls is in danger
4 commentsBecky Bell anyone? The 17 year-old girl who got pregnant in 1988 and was too terrified to tell her parents, and ended up dying from an illegal abortion.
There was also a study done in Massachusetts on the impact of parental consent laws. It was found that 477 minors ended up going to the courts to bypass the parental consent law by proving that they are "mature" enough to make the decision for themselves. Of the 477 cases, the court approved 468 of them. Why are parental consent laws necessary if most minors are already capable enough to make the decision alone? These laws will only overburden the courts when it isn't even necessary in the first place.
Minors are still going to find ways to get around these terrible laws, whether it's going to the courts, crossing state lines, or getting a dangerous illegal abortion. Parental consent laws will bring so much more harm than good. No on Prop 4!
Woman allegedly attacked over McCain sticker
Originally, I didn't think to question this story. But after reading posts on other blogs that are more than skeptical, I'm inclined to call "hoax" on this one. First of all, the "B" is extremely light - it's almost more of a scratch than a knife wound. Secondly, why is the "B" backwards? She claimed the man sat on her chest and pinned her arms down with his knees while he carved it, so there is no reason for the "B" to look like that. People are starting to envision her carving it herself in a mirror, thus the reason it was backwards. Also, that black eye looks a little fishy. Shouldn't there be some swelling? And why is the "B" so incredibly perfect? Wouldn't she be struggling to get away? How would anyone be able to keep a steady hand in that situation?
Lastly, Ashley's story is beginning to change. First she claimed it was the McCain sticker that angered the attacker, and now she's saying it may have been a McCain button on her jacket. Also, she's now claiming that she lost consciousness at one point and that the attacker sexually harassed her.
I don't know. Some are unsure of why she might have faked this, but I think her motives were clear. I mean, she was a volunteer for the McCain campaign, and this attack certainly makes Obama supporters look bad. Even Michelle Malkin is skeptical.
So what do you think? Real or hoax?
McCain/Palin hurt women
Republican group: Obama is a "Muslim socialist"
0 comments"I don't trust them at all. They've sworn across the world that they are our enemies. Why we're trying to elect one is beside me."
The head of the group, Marcia Stirman, will be asked to step down from her position. Rightfully so. But these racist and ignorant ideals are still way too prominent in this election.
Sarah Palin encourages voting... amongst Democrats
What's wrong with this picture?
Same-sex marriage will destroy our children!
7 commentsWhy is this so horrifying to people who are desperately trying to defeat same-sex marriage in California? I have absolutely no fucking clue.
The ads supporting Proposition 8, which would heartlessly snatch away marriage rights that were just granted to same-sex couples in California, are disgusting. They make me angry. They lie (in actuality, the defeat of Proposition 8 would not affect education in schools), they use cheap and shameful tactics, and they promote a message of discrimination and inequality. Someone tell me how exactly is Proposition 8 any fucking different than the Jim Crowe laws?! How is "you can get married, but you can't get married" any different than "you can sit here, but you can't sit here"?
These ads are truly appalling. There is no excuse for denying two people who love each other the right to marry. One ad actually had a slideshow of dozens of photos of heterosexual couples to "prove" how "sacred" marriage is. Give me 10 minutes and I can find just as many pictures of happy same-sex couples. Or unhappy heterosexual couples.
I don't understand what opponents of gay marriage are so fucking scared of. GOD FORBID children learn about different types of people. GOD FORBID you have to see two women walking out of a church or a temple after having just been wed. GOD FORBID the marriage application says "Party A" and "Party B" instead of "bride" and "groom." GOD FORBID GOD FORBID GOD FORBID! If gay marriage is finally legalized, people will see that it does not affect them. The world will still go round, marriage will still be valued in our society, and Nazis will not come back riding on dinosaurs. I promise. Everything will be okay.
Yet, there are dedicated supporters of Proposition 8 who feel that somehow their existence will be threatened by sharing their heterosexual privilege. Those people produce ads like these:
However, there are equally dedicated people who will do everything they can to oppose stripping people of their rights through Proposition 8. Those people produce ads like these:
Please please please vote no on Prop 8.
Not exactly women's studies
3 commentsBabeology. Cute.
Objectification of Palin goes even further...
Liberals hate "real Americans"
4 commentsWow! It warms my heart to know that we have such wonderful politicians in this country who would never, ever make some sort of ignorant generalization. No way. We can always count on Rep. Hayes. After all, this was the guy who said that stabilization in Iraq depends on "spreading the message of Jesus Christ." Hayes for president!
Fox News is scrambling to connect Obama with terrorism
You can check out the book for yourself here. Dear God, Fox News, is this the best you can do?
The real Sarah Palin on SNL
3 commentsBut I still like Tina Fey way better.
Thank God we have a vice president to counter those liberal feminists!
6 comments(Courtesy of Feministing. I vote we spread this video around as much as possible because it's just that ridiculous).
Celebrate love
I don't care if I lose my job, I want my facial!
According to Bonnie Fuller (I should've known this would be bad when I saw she used to be editor in chief of Cosmopolitan), women want their facials. We want our spas. We want our botox. In Fuller's eyes, the economic crisis may be put our jobs in jeopardy, but dammit, we're going to look good! Because "the need to look good trumps the bank account."
In all fairness, she's specifically talking about New York City women, who admittedly are often concerned about image, but when I saw an article on "what women want," I had hoped it would paint women to be a little more than superficial snobs.
Recession be damned: the relationship between a woman and her hairstylist and colorist continues to be as tight as the one with her broker. "We were packed like a railway station last Saturday," says John Barrett, owner of the John Barrett Salon, where haircuts and color treatments cost up to $500 a pop. While Barrett has heard rumors that some retailers are experiencing heavy returns on clothing, he believes women feel they need to look pretty even as the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
According to Edward Tricomi, a co-owner of the Warren-Tricomi Salon, women will let their homes get shabby before they let their hair go: "If you're a professional businesswoman, you can't go to a meeting with your roots hanging out!"
Oh no, God forbid we have to be judged on anything aside from our hair! You know, like our intelligence, our skills, our capability. Visible roots trump all of those.
So far, the comments are less than favorable. It seems to me like Times readers are too smart for this crap.
Scenes from a presidential debate
4 commentsOh HELL nah. What pro-abortion movement?! Holy crap. I got so fired up watching a 72 year-old man telling me that I can't have a choice. He also reprimanded Obama for not voting for a ban on late-term abortions - to which Obama responded that he felt the ban would undermine Roe v. Wade.
Reproductive rights are, slowly by surely, being chipped away at. Now more than ever we need a pro-choice president.
Aside from abortion, Obama also brought up equal pay, specifically the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which McCain voted against. I was watching the ticker at the bottom of the screen which records the live reactions of uncommitted voters in Ohio to the debate, and McCain's support amongst women went waaaaay down during that part.
Show your hot body some love
2 commentsVisit NOW's website for more info on the Love Your Body campaign.
Palin supporter caught with racist Obama doll
"Gay-friendly" high school?
3 commentsI like the thought behind it, because GLBT students are being brutally harassed in normal high schools and are therefore more likely to miss class and less likely to graduate. However, I feel that creating a separate school will only encourage more of a division between heterosexual students and homosexual students. If all GLBT students and their allies are put into one school, homophobes won't be forced to accept and understand these students. And that's not good. I think that incorporating lessons on sexual identity is a wonderful idea - but I think it should be put in all schools. Education on GLBT people should start young - maybe around 4th or 5th grade - and should continue to high school. I don't think separating people is the answer.
Men put themselves in our shoes... literally
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes has 125 marches scheduled for 2008 alone. Go to their website to see their schedule. If you're a male, consider participating! If you're a female, consider standing on the sidelines and clapping like hell for these amazing men.
Abortion rights leader honored in Canada
A quote from Dr. Morgentaler on his website:
I believe that children should receive love and affection so that they may grow up to become kind and responsible persons. I also believe that the best way to achieve this is to allow women and couples to decide at what time in their life they should bring a child into the world. In a case of unwanted or accidental pregnancy a woman should have the right to choose and obtain an abortion under good medical conditions to protect her life, health and future fertility. I have dedicated the largest part of my professional life as a physician to help women obtain safe abortion in an atmosphere of compassion and empathy.
He well deserves the honor.
Only 47 to go...
1 comments- Massachusetts
- California
And now... CONNETICUT! YAY! Oh, the taste of sweet justice and victory.
Conservatives want their picture-perfect candidate back!
3 commentsPersonally, I get what Newsweek was doing. Their article on Palin was arguing that her folksy personality might work against her, rather than for her. It's clear what the photo was trying to do. Newsweek was exposing the fact that too many people are blinded by her charm and good looks - but when you look really close, you'll see many flaws - flaws that a vice president just shouldn't have. That was their statement. But all Fox News sees is a beauty issue. I find it hilarious that the same news station that calls Democrats "sexist" for questioning Palin's credentials is advocating for her photo to be airbushed like she's Heidi Klum on the cover of Elle magazine. Watch one woman call Newsweek "liberal elitist" media. I wish I had a nickel for every time conservatives played the elitist card.
SNL parodies the second presidential debate
Quote of the day
"The AIP is very family-oriented. We're for the traditional family — daddy, mommy, kids — because we all know that it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And we don't care if Heather has two mommies. That's not a traditional family."
Thank you so much, Mark, for your kind words. FYI: Palin was once a part of this party. Maybe that's why she tried to ban a book that sought to teach kids about same-sex couples.
John McCain's temper could put this country in danger
And the winner is...

Man shot for wearing Obama t-shirt
1 commentsI wish this story weren't true, but you can read it for yourself. It happened. Racism still plagues our world, and hate crimes happen everyday. This man was obviously sick in the head, but unfortunately, there are so many more like him.
Teaching diversity to children
4 commentsA few years ago, on the children's show "Postcards from Buster" an episode was made where Buster visited a lesbian couple. Of course they didn't talk about sex, they didn't attempt to explain what "sexual orientation" means to young viewers, they didn't even focus on the fact that the women were lesbians. Buster visits all kinds of families, and this family just happened to have two mommies. But for some reason, people decided that exposing children to the fact that there are all types of people in the world and teaching them to be respectful wasn't acceptable, and that specific episode of "Postcards from Buster" never aired.
I went on an online hunt to find any cartoons or kids shows that feature GLBT people. I was only able to find two. One is called "Buddy G, My Two Moms and Me":
The other is "Dottie's Magic Pockets":
Now, you can choose life for your car!
Want to jazz up your car? Buy a "Choose Life" license plate! Show the world your avid stance against choice and your desire to take personal rights away from every and any woman. The best part: proceeds will go to other anti-choice organizations, including the wonderful "crisis pregnancy centers" which work hard to present women with false information and anti-abortion propaganda! And no worries, because not a single dime will go to organizations that dare mention abortion as an option for pregnant women.
And even more good news! Anti-choicers in Arizona can now purchase the license plates too, because the high court ruled in favor of the Arizona Life Coalition, thereby forcing the state to allow their distribution. Now the promotion of ripping reproductive rights away from women and demanding that they have no control over their bodies can be spread across the country! Buy yours today.
Candy sex symbol
Palin: every feminist's nightmare
1 commentsPalin is the most prominent woman on the political stage at the moment. By taking unprepared hesitancy and lack of preparation to a sentence-stopping level, she's yanking us back to the old assumption that women can't hack it at these heights. We know that's not true—we've just watched Hillary Clinton power through a campaign with a masterful grasp of policy and detail. Clinton lost in part because she was the girl grind. Complex sentences, the names of Supreme Court cases, and bizarre warnings about foreign heads of state invading our airspace weren't her problem. The fear now is that Palin is the anti-Hillary and that her lack of competence threatens to undo what the Democratic primary did for women. Palin won't bust through the ceiling that has Hillary's 18 million cracks in it. She'll give men an excuse to replace it with a new one.
Quite the morbid article, but it has a lot of truth to it. Read the rest here.
The diverse supporters of Obama