Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just when you thought BK's ads couldn't get any more offensive...  

This Burger King advertisement is certainly making its rounds on feminist blogs, and I just couldn't avoid posting it here out of sheer horror and disgust.

I would love to meet the person (ahem, man) who thought it was a brilliant idea to sell sandwiches by portraying one face-raping (excuse the term) a sex doll-esque open-mouthed passive woman. This ad seriously makes me want to puke.

Do me a favor, readers. Buy some "THIS INSULTS WOMEN" stickers from Sticker Sisters (they're cheap!) and place them on this ad whenever you come across it (flipping through magazines at the grocery store, wherever) and any other horrifyingly sexist advertisement, because I am truly sick of this bullshit*. You can also contact the folks at Burger King - let's give them an even bigger backlash than we did in response to the horrendous "square butts" commercial.

And most importantly: girlcott. Let's girlcott the shit* out of BK.

*I said "shit" twice, I must really be pissed.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Just when you thought BK's ads couldn't get any more offensive...

  • June 24, 2009 at 10:40 PM  

    As a female and someone who works in advertising (i'm almost shamed to say), this really disgusts me! BK never again!