Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ms. Magazine features Obama on the cover  


This is the inspirational cover of the special inaugural issue of Ms. Magazine. It's a beautiful image, and it gives me high hopes (though not too high) for real change. From a press release issued by the magazine:

When the publisher of Ms., Eleanor Smeal, and the chair of the Feminist Majority Foundation board, Peg Yorkin, met Barack Obama, he immediately offered "I am a feminist." Obama ran on the strongest platform for women's rights of any major party in American history. Feminist Karen Kornbluh, the platform's principle author, ensured women's rights, opportunities, advancement, and issues were addressed throughout the historic document.

As Smeal says in her introduction to the Inaugural feature, "Never has it been easy fighting for equality and social justice. We have spent far too many years fighting to hold the ground we had already gained. Now is the time to move forward."

"But we are not giving President-Elect Obama a blank check. For our hopes to be achieved, we must speak out and organize, organize, organize to enable our new president's team to achieve our common goals. Ultimately, we must hold our leaders' feet to the fire or, to put it more positively, uplift them when they are caught in the crosscurrents of competing interests."

I'm happy to see that Obama isn't scared of the F word.

Also be sure to check out the "Vision of Change" Ms. Magazine has put together, outlining all the changes feminists are yearning for with the new administration.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Ms. Magazine features Obama on the cover

  • August 19, 2009 at 5:21 AM  

    ohhh yea looking good. Sooo he's talking about extending Title IX to Science and Engineering admissions NATION WIDE in our colleges. Women acquire 60% of college degrees with Affirmative Action in some states, Title IX, women only loans and scholarships. If it does anything like it did to boys sports programs, I'd say women will be sitting pretty with 70-100% of college degrees soon.... Haa haaa poor men. Shut those boys down ladies....