Friday, September 19, 2008
I kissed a ____
Now, I'll be the first one to proudly state that I can't stand the song "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. But I was quite angry to learn that when it's played on the radio in Indonesia and Malaysia, the word "girl" is cut out, making the song essentially "I kissed a ___ and I liked it." I wonder if they bleep out "she" and "her" as well, just to make sure that there are absolutely no same-sex references in the song, because God forbid it helps promote perverted homosexuality. I'm thinking that whoever was responsible for such censoring should get together and have coffee with the person who made this sign:

September 26, 2008 at 10:39 PM
You know I saw that sign at Shakesville and a bunch of commenters were wondering about the reactions of hetero boys who read it. Didn't consider the other half, did they?