Monday, August 31, 2009

A Woman's World  


As soon as you get a free minute, check out "A Woman's World" on the New York Times website. It's a gallery of user-submitted photographs "that illustrate the importance of educating girls and empowering women." The photographs are beautiful, and feature women from all around the world. Thank you, Times, for putting this together.

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1 comments: to “ A Woman's World

  • January 29, 2010 at 12:01 PM  

    I think this photo gallery is so cool. It fully embraces the idea of female empowerment. Each of the women featured in this gallery display strength and beauty. I love photos, especially photos that are inspiring, which is exactly what this gallery is. It is a huge inspiration.
    Many places around the world have yet to achieve gender equality. The only way to do this is through the education and literacy of both genders. This gallery is a great reminder of how strong, awesome, and smart all women around the world are, and it is a huge shout out to their countries. These featured women should be proud. Even if they are not equal to men in their countries, they were pictured in the New York Times in promotion of gender equality, which is a huge feat in itself.